Emanuele De Donno, Luca Pucci
Agenzia Dancing Days
€ 33
Emanuele De Donno, Luca Pucci
Agenzia Dancing Days
€ 33
Agenzia Dancing Days involves elderly people dancing to electronic music choreography. The dances are collective. The itinerant project took place in discos, dance floors, ballrooms, city squares and festivals. The record collects the sound recordings of rehearsals and performances.
YES YES YES Revolutionary Press in Italy 1966-1977 from Mondo Beat to Zut
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YES YES YES Revolutionary Press in Italy 1966-1977 from Mondo Beat to Zut
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Yes Yes Yes Revolutionary Press in Italy indaga la scena italiana della stampa rivoluzionaria di “organi” editoriali in foglio, giornale, rivista, ciclostilato, bollettino, fascicolo, alcuni quotidiani altri periodici, spesso irregolari, altri aperiodici di cui molti numeri unici in reiterata attesa di autorizzazione… La febbrile attività tipografica si lega alla serrata politico-ideologica, antagonista e contro-culturale di un periodo di lotta, conquista di spazi civili, aree di libertà e di creatività sociale. In questo volume si censiscono e selezionano criticamente più di 600 stampati usciti tra il 1966 e il 1977. Questa ricerca è la continuazione naturale della corposa pubblicazione, uscita nel 2014 ed edita dagli stessi editori: Yes Yes Yes, Alternative press, 66-77 from Provo to Punk, curata da Emanuele De Donno ed Amedeo Martegani. Quel primo volume esaminava il ruolo della stampa alternativa, underground e controculturale europea ed americana in un periodo fiorente: 1966-1977; questa nuova edizione si concentra sulla scena italiana, la cui ampia strategia di “connivenze” e la frastagliata geografia regionale hanno posto la necessità, per sezionare tematicamente il percorso, di dare una visione allargata dei mezzi di stampa alternativa, non solo underground, indipendenti e contro-culturali, ma anche della contro-informazione, della editoria “schierata” ultra-radicale politica quindi ideologica. Il nucleo consistente di testate censite nella prolifica rete italiana che si allarga anche alle province è stata reperita grazie ai contributi di archivi messi in rete, collezionisti, cultori, editori e attivisti da tutta Italia che costituiscono una geografia sommersa dell’editoria contro-culturale italiana ma anche di un collezionismo resistente e ragionato. Questi mezzi stampa documentano una ricerca di cultura radicale, di autori e co-autori, promotori/artisti di cultura libera ed alternativa, distribuita in formati di confine e sperimentali.
Claudio Beorchia
Saintscapes. Vedute di Lombardia / Views of Lombardy
€ 35
Claudio Beorchia
Saintscapes. Vedute di Lombardia / Views of Lombardy
€ 35
The book shows the Lombard landscape through the gaze of the saints in votive niches, with a selection of about 1000 images collected on the occasion of the photography project Between heaven and earth by artist Claudio Beorchia for the Museum of Contemporary Photography of Cinisello Balsamo. The publication takes inspiration from classic editions such as the missal, Italian Touring Club guide, the dictionary, collecting in 700 pages thousands of images including full-color printed photographs and black and white miniatures, as well as a general index that shows the data of the 2911 niches photographed. The first section of the book collects more than 200 photographs and shows what the saints see from their positions in a subjective way, thanks to the shape of the image traced exactly on the shape of the niche from which the figure is protruding towards the surrounding environment. A selection of about 800 black and white miniatures, which directly relate the images of the saints and their gaze, is ordered through ten taxonomies. Texts by: Giovanna Calvenzi, Claudio Beorchia, Matteo Balduzzi, Don Umberto Bordoni, Paolo Bossi.
Roberto Fassone
Alla ricerca del tempo perso
€ 30
Roberto Fassone
Alla ricerca del tempo perso
€ 30
Alla ricerca del tempo perso is the firth Imagonirmia Notebook. It is a book-game which guides the reader through Astrusis’ fantastic world. Astrusis is an artisan-researcher from Melandra Sud who, in her short but intense career, reached incredible goals as well as incredible failures. Grazie (perdere tempo) is a journey through time and space. It is a journey through a book. It is an urban tour. It is a stretching of the senses and of the mind which only occasionally encounters directions to indicate a landing place, which can be continuously reached and lost again. It is – above all – an invitation to waste our time and to walk in circles.
Present Archives
€ 30
Present Archives
€ 30
What use can we make today of a prints collection dating between the 16th and 19th century housed in a library storage room? What does it tell us of the periods in which it was created, preserved and reorganised? How can this information relate to the contemporary? Can an artist re-enact shared scenarios emphasising what of the old persists in the present? This publication collects three years’ work within present_continuous, project aimed at enhancing a collection of prints housed at the Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria in Turin. A still rather unexplored point of excellence in the institution’s holdings, which was organised in albums in the 1860s by the eclectic Piedmontese collector and connoisseur Giovanni Volpato. The project includes a cataloguing campaign, a symposium whose purpose was to renew the contemporary perception of the archive and in an international call was opened in order to select two artists – Alessandra Messali and Ryts Monet (Enrico De Napoli) – for a residency program dedicated to creating new perspectives, right from the collection of print, trying to voicing the social and cultural issues of our time.
Pesce Khete
Painting Matter
€ 25
Pesce Khete
Painting Matter
€ 25
Artist’s book by Pesce Khete which is also the catalogue of his exhibition Sinossi (bon voyage) at Colli Independent, Rome. Looking at art catalogues and painting catlogues to identify how to catalogue paintings. This book is a descriptive tool of the matter of painting, where “data sheets” support images, using codes. This book is concieved to investigate the work of an artist through poetic-technical parameters, partly inspired to artistic historiography.
Mirabilia Urbis
€ 15
Mirabilia Urbis
€ 15
The exhibition Mirabilia Urbis is configured as a particular path that crosses stops located in different spaces, both commercial and institutional, between the Parione and Regola districts: a maze of streets and alleys that characterize one of the most peculiar areas of Rome. The title, borrowed from the ancient tourist guides for pilgrims created in the Middle Ages, stems from the need to trace and map a new unexpected path, offering the visitor a particular experience in approaching a totally new space. The project is created by Carlo Caloro and produced by artQ13, curated by Giuliana Benassi.
Paola Anziché
La terra suona / The Earth Sounds
€ 25
Paola Anziché
La terra suona / The Earth Sounds
€ 25
The book collects texts that transversally narrates the work of artist Paola Anziché – dealing with themes, techniques, materials – and images. The waving, the natural fibers, the act of weaving, the raw materials, the entanglements are main characters of her work. “In my artistic practice I make soft, tactile sculptures starting from a process of research in which I investigate the possibility of art to establish relationships with different cultural spheres, such as folklore, ancient rituals, bio-architecture, or the most advanced science. My curiosity leads me to travel extensively and come into contact with different traditions that are then reinterpreted, case by case, through a totally personal method of reinvention. Handiwork, gesture, the focus on the materials utilized (with a particular preference for natural ones), represent the fulcrum of my practice, generating works that invite the viewer to experience their form.” Paola Anziché.
Giulio Lacchini
L’alfabeto dell’altra lingua
€ 20
Giulio Lacchini
L’alfabeto dell’altra lingua
€ 20
A book of images that alternates photography and drawing. “What follows is a sequence, at this point I would say no longer linear as it appears from my description so far, of this research, intertwined between linguistic aspect, sign and personal, artistic and existential and social aspect. Lacchini puts into play all that he feels without contradictions, unconscious and rationality, inside and out, tragedy and joke, intensity and loss, photographic reality and indecipherable drawing.” Elio Grazioli.
Claudio Beorchia
Sogni d’oro, Chiaravalle
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Claudio Beorchia
Sogni d’oro, Chiaravalle
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Artist’s book in which losing lottery ticket, collected by the artist in the tobacco shop, play as the basis for the composition of short poems inspired by the interpretation of numbers in the Neopolitan Smorfia.
Sino alla fine del mare. Investigation on the Extreme Lands
€ 15
Sino alla fine del mare. Investigation on the Extreme Lands
€ 15
Until the end of the Sea, aims to focus on a five-year long-term research on the theme of the so-called Extreme Lands of which Ramdom has become over time a privileged observatory. The book is a sort of database and a tool for investigating and spreading the results so far obtained through the intervention of professionals in different disciplines whose goal is to build a new cognitive mapping of the land’s end.
Starting from the specific case of Gagliano del Capo and Basso Salento, the book becomes a universal device capable of creating an ideal bridge with similar geo-anthropological situations. In addition to the artists involved – Elena Mazzi e Rosario Sorbello; Romina De Novellis; Lia Cecchin; Riccardo Giacconi e Carolina Valencia Caicedo – who translated the theme through the tools of visual language, the book can count on the contribution Paolo Mele, Claudio Zecchi, Radical Intention, Massimo Carozzi, Domenico Licchelli, Luca Coclite, Heba Amin e Francesca Girelli, Carlos Casas, Alessandro Carboni e Alessandra Pioselli. This diversification brings a dual function: on the one hand narrate the theme of the Extreme Lands from different perspectives, on the other indicate the multi-disciplinary methodology with which Ramdom has always approached the work creating relations capable of multiplying the plans of access and deepening.
€ 20
€ 20
The day after Fidel Castro’s death, three Colombian artists begin a journey through Cuba, from Havana to Santiago de Cuba, with the intention of drawing a cartography of the island’s cultural and social actors, by inviting different groups of (d)estructura. The game begins with the question “How do you see your life in ten years and what’ do you need to make that happen?” and ends with the realization of a collaborative and participatory structure. By (d)estructura individual intentions and experiences are dissolved in collective decisions, while art becomes an opportunity to imagine the future of the country together.
Francesco Carone
€ 110
Francesco Carone
€ 110
Translation of The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges through progressive passages among the 104 languages encoded by Google online translation service, starting from the first Italian translation by Franco Lucentini for Einaudi, published in the series directed by Elio Vittorini I gettoni, to return to the Italian language again.
Federico Antonini, Marcello Enea Ne…
Newman performs Baldessarri sings Lewitt Sept. 29th, 2018 Spoleto (PG)
€ 5
Federico Antonini, Marcello Enea Newman
Newman performs Baldessarri sings Lewitt Sept. 29th, 2018 Spoleto (PG)
€ 5
NpBsL is the #000 issue of Orchestra Futuro. Building on a reading of ’60s and 70’s conceptual art as methodology, NpBsL is the 11th of a series of homages and reworks of LeWitt’s Sentences on Conceptual Art (1969), started by John Baldessarri’s 1972 clumsy musical rendition. Among others, Mario Gaecia Torres’ mute karaoke video and Toom Tragel’s transcription have contributed to the construction of NpBsL’s perspective. NpBsL is a musical arrangement commissioned to Marcello Enea Newman by Federico Antonini. It was performed for the first time on the Steinway grand piano at Casa Mahler, during the public programme of the Artist’s Books Residency organised by Mahler & Lewitt Studios and Viaindustriae in Spoleto (PG), September 2018.
Franco Ariaudo
€ 20
Franco Ariaudo
€ 20
Basilisco/Basilisk/Василиск (or how to run on water) is an investigation into the potential of a human’s ability to run on water, developed on Biryuchyi Island (Ukraine), Turin and Rome between 2017 and 2019. To achieve this seemingly impossible goal, the project faced a series of trials and difficulties, each one providing valuable results for further stages, in an attempt to execute an apparently impossible act.
La Ville Ouverte. Politiche e poetiche delle spazio pubblico urbano.
€ 12
La Ville Ouverte. Politiche e poetiche delle spazio pubblico urbano.
€ 12
Il libro è un focus su alcune pratiche di arte nello spazio pubblico che attraversano il Mediterraneo e che sono state frutto di mostre, workshop e residenze nell’ambito del programma di azioni de La Ville Ouverte, piattaforma promossa da Arci nazionale nell’ambito del network BJCEM – Biennale dei Giovani Artisti d’Europa e del Mediterraneo. Il libro disegna una geografia del panorama artistico mediterraneo che si interroga sulla relazione tra le forme del poetico e del politico, sviluppando progetti comunitari, azioni partecipative, performance e interventi che agiscono sullo e nello spazio pubblico. Un processo continuo di decostruzione della realtà come strategia di integrazione dei traumi del paesaggio, delle mappe disegnate dell’esercizio del potere in tutto il mediterraneo. Il libro contiene anche un’appendice con una serie di progetti ed immaginari di diversi artisti ed autori che hanno partecipato alle ultime edizioni di Mediterranea. Young Artists Biennale.